Before voting on the latest foreign aid bill to send $60 billion in American taxpayer money to Ukraine, Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va.) declared that the Ukrainian border is the United States’ border.
“Some say ‘well, we have to deal with our border first,’” Connolly said. “The Ukrainian-Russian border is our border! It’s the border between depraved autocracy and freedom loving people seeking our democratic way of life.”
“Do we have a stake in that outcome? Yes. Undeniably yes,” he continued. “Will we rise to the occasion? Will we stand shoulder to shoulder with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, who for 1,151 days have been holding off the depraved, thuggish dictator Vladimir Putin, who has respected no norms of warfare. He’s targeted children in hospitals and schools. He’s bombed apartment blocks, killing thousands.”
Shortly after the legislation was passed, Democrats waived Ukrainian flags on the floor of the United States House.
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Connolly’s ardent defense of a foreign nation’s border over 5,000 miles away comes as millions of illegal immigrants pour into the United States across its border with Mexico.
President Joe Biden has allowed the U.S.-Mexico border to remain open despite outcry from American citizens nationwide.
According to a recent Monmouth University survey, a whopping 61% of Americans said they consider illegal immigration a “very serious problem.”
An additional 23% agreed illegal immigration is “somewhat serious,” while just 15% said the crisis is “not too serious” or “not at all serious.”
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