Former Scott Air Force Base firefighter gets 6 1/2 years for child porn

A former firefighter at Scott Air Force Base was sentenced to 6 1/2 years in prison Thursday for emailing child pornography to undercover investigators.

Jace A. Faugno pleaded guilty Sept. 10, 2019 to two counts of distribution of child pornography. He admitted sending a video containing child porn to an FBI agent on Sept. 30, 2018 and to an agent of the Air Force Office of Special Investigation on Oct. 5, 2018 via the Kik messaging app.

Faugno was a senior airman stationed at Scott.

Faugno told agents that he was in the video, which showed the sexual assault of a 9-year-old. He then asked whether he could have sex with the undercover agents’ daughters, his plea says.

Faugno, who lived in the 5300 block of Savoy Court in St. Louis when he was charged in 2018, has since moved to Kentucky. His sentencing has been delayed multiple times, including because of the coronavirus pandemic.


(c) 2021 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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